Wednesday, November 5, 2008?
I went to a very famous Catholic church. The building was very grand so as to the painting and structure inside the church. As usual, it is very quiet inside and the peace of God is there. I saw many people seated there quietly enjoying the presence of God. Some catholic even kneel down and pray. Really enjoy visiting church like this and I am planning to go to CCC Paris 1 of this sunday for service. Maybe will wait for Ben to come to go together =)Tomorrow I will post a revelation that I receive from God few days ago and hope my sharing can encourage some of you to really have faith to Arise & Build. Friday I will end of a good week for you guys with posting on Lourve. U may ask where is Lourve? Haha It is a museum where you can find Mona Lisa painting. The world most famous and expensive painting. It also house 35 000 other paintings as well as sculpture. I saw 1 very big painting on Jesus. It is the miracle when Jesus turn water into wine!! So stay tune on friday.
Grace and Peace 8:53 PM