The video clip below cause me to cry. The presence of God fills me. It was very touching. Indeed there is a God who creates us and give us a talent to live no matter what is our circumstances. Enjoy the video and I know you will be greatly bless!
Level by level I walk ard and this emo monster kept coming to me. Seem like everything had fall apart in my life. Everything seem so scary to me.
Went home and play games with my friend. Lost all of those. The excitement was not there at all ! Listen to some songs and guess what... the power of the damn emo monster double.
Sometime I feel my parents are not supportive of my ideas and passion. All they want for me is what they think is suitable. But in actual fact it is totally rubbish! Anyway I also cannot say them, at the end of the day all my allowance is given by my dad. So got to half obey ba. If not for the money, my life will be much more better.
Haha what a way to post my 100 posts. Man Utd rules and reigns just like Jesus rules and reigns. :))
Just want to take this opportunity to thank all my reader and friends who "pei pan" me through out the months since I started my blog. Thanks for your interest in reading and comments.
I felt this year Easter day drama at Expo was fantastic. JW de CMI. The presence of God was strong in expo especially when Peter regretting his action toward Jesus. I cry man. When I think of Jesus naked in front of so many people whom mocked at him, my heart sink. The shame, loneliness and pain that is upon Him. The blood He shed for us. He did not complain. He don't deserved that kind of treatment. But unconditionally, He died for you and I. No wonder they call Him the Savior.
Nice take! (Future F.I.R.)
Joash and Joyce's shoes
Like teacher like students :))
My camera phone not very good so decided not to take any pictures except these 2.
I don't really like the concept of having symphony band together with the singer for a concert but nevertheless, Jeff's sang almost all his beautiful love song. I saw many couple and I thought that was a romantic moment for them when his classic song were sang. As for me... well... His song really can catch the attention of our soul and is really nice and smooth to our heart. There is 1 song, God common grace suddenly upon me. Anyway Jeff is a Christian and his dad is a pastor.
歌曲名 张信哲 - 信仰
In that song, God was speaking to me that to love Him, you got to pay a price. Or in other word to follow Jesus there is a price to pay. There will be trail, difficulties and people on your way to stop you but His love will embrace to overcome all those negative things. To love God required determination and strength. No matter what we do, all we want is to be in the presence of God.
I felt God in that concert. U may think "huhhhh" but remember God is omnipresence.
The next time I hope it will be a memorable one for me.
Can't play tennis and jogging
I was joking with Ming Wei, my ministry friend, how come almost all the kids loves us so much? For example Pst Derek's kids are very close with me and a few other adorable kids. Ming Wei also had his mini "fan" base. But when come to sister, we are a total failure! I has the spirit to attract the kids but not girls!!
I has the chance to talk to 1 BBG member, Florence, as she is a new member in my ministry. A friendly and nice mother. I ask her many things regard BBG stuff and it really amaze me. She told me normal members can go to BBG. So I am thinking of going 1 day and listen to the preaching there because almost all the message are about business and the marketplace. But most importantly is there will be buffet!! Hehe :p
I am "dead" already because Ethan shoot me with a gun this morning. LOL He say my face explode into pieces.
O man... I am so proud of them! My students and beloved Ethan and Erin are the "kids model" for SKIN Couture. Erin is so dramatic. Hoho... so cute. Now then you know why I love them so much. Thank you Pst Kong for letting my students to feature in an advertisement for your business. LOL :p
Countdown to TP test : 48 days.
I am really very stress and nervous. The feeling tend to be different driving during practice compare to with a TP instructor who will judge your performance. But seriously la i got to learn to let go and let God. What I can do is to do my best (Master all the skills well and be confidence) and believe God will do the rest. (Favor, smooth traffic on that day and easy test route)
They were saying during Easter day celebration, together with their celebrities cell group, they are performing a concert. Fei er was saying that a big shot is coming together to perform. Don't need to say is our very own Jay Chou. A member in our Taiwan branch church. Jay Chou is currently under going bible study!! People need Jesus! Celebrities needed the most. They are in a world which media and paparazzi are constantly monitor their action and behavior. Just look at the recent Edison's scandal. Life are being destroy. They have their own belief but still Jesus is not in their life.
Anyway we had a great time with them during service this weekend! Fei er and Ah qing perform really well. Fei er is so chio and sweet. :))
I like Erin's smile in that picture. But Ethan was just trying to be funny with me. I ask him want to take a picture together but he say no. I ask Erin, she say no also. I say why u 2 dun 1 take picture? Ethan reply me " Cuz Erin follow kor kor" Haha
Interesting conversations with Ethan John Dunn
Teacher CK: Do you know that my friends say you are very cute?
Ethan: Oooo hmmm really?(with a very fake pondering expression)
Teacher CK: Ya they look at my blog. Shuzhen interrupt, he noe what is a blog meh? I reply, quiet la. Haha
Teacher CK: All of my friends think that you are really very cute
Ethan: (Quietly and secretly smiling, translate in Hokkien)
Teacher CK: Ya, so do you feel shy?
Ethan: Ermm nope.
Teacher CK: HUH... (Surprise) Why?
Get really for a shocker reply!
Ethan: Because I never seen your friends before so I wun feel so shy.
Teacher CK: Speechless and stunned. (Laughter in the background)
I think it was God planning. Haha. After services, Jason, Drew, Ai hui and some other saw Ethan who was with me. Haha I told Ethan, they are my friends. Haha. There he saw my friends already LOL. I was at his back so never see his expression.
I brought him to the toilet. Along the way we chat. Haha is been 2 weeks i had seem him.
Teacher CK: Do you learn how to write your name in school?
Ethan: Yes but I only know how to spell E.t.h.a.n - Ethan
Teacher CK: John and Dunn??
Ethan: Nope.
Teacher CK: is J.o.h.n and D.u.n.n - Ethan John Dunn
Ethan: (Thinking...)
Teacher CK: How about daddy? (Thundering.... haha)
Ethan: I know... D.o.r.e.k
Teacher CK: No Ethan, is D.e.r.e.k - Derek
Ethan: Ooooo
Teacher CK to Ethan's maid: Shhhhh lata Pastor hears my head rolls haha
Teacher CK: Then how about mummy?
Ethan: I know.... start with SSSSSnake.
Teacher CK: Yes, S.u.s.a.n - Susan.
Lastly.... too many la
Teacher CK: (showing Ethan a picture that we took many months ago in my HP) Do you still remember this?
Ethan: Ermm nope.
Teacher CK: Huh....
Ethan: (Asking me another shocking question.) Why am I taller than you?
Ethan: (Curious expression) but I am only a kid
Teacher CK: (Mouth open big) is because i carry you so you are taller than me.
Ethan:(Paisei look and run away)
Teacher CK: Haha...
It was a blessing from God that I can spent so much time with him today. He is really my Kai Xin Guo. Still waiting for my family photos. :p