Thursday, May 1, 2008?
A morning to remember
Haha.... yesterday was a night to remember while today was morning. An unusual way of celebrating my birthday but I like it. It is simple. Surprise that she was there. But anyway thanks guys... you know who you are, I really appreciated the effort. Especially my chauffeur for the day. Mr Benjamin aka "see mata" LOL. Thanks to him, I rode my 1st ever Motor. It was awesome, incredible experience. He went to 100Km/hr. I nearly freak out. But it was nice and cool haha. We went ChongPang market to eat. Haha full of aunties and uncles. Jian Hui sung the birthday song there... it was 1 of the worst song ever but to me it was sweet. I never forget what he did to me. Haha.... Is nice to have a simple celebration with a group of friends which I am more comfortable with rather than 1 whole group of people celebrating in a restaurant.

Saw the different?? Such a nice cake became a farces!! LOL....
Received quite a few sms greeting and I thank God for them. They remembered my birthday! Some was a totally shock haha some should noe who he is.... For those who never sms me should repent! Haha.... It was a joyful 2 days and I enjoy myself a lot. Is been 20 years of living.... Is time for me to do something. :)
Happy Labour day and Happy Birthday!!
Grace and Peace 4:00 PM