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Sunday, June 29, 2008?
I was teasing Ethan's helper of taking pictures of Erin and Erika. But auntie Joy told me was her mum idea to take pictures. Then ok lor... haha anyway I saw in her HP, Pastor Derek together with his family a family photo... it was so nice lor happy family. Guess what?? Ethan sing the worship song "I surrender" to me. Haha it was soooo nice. I surrender all I will follow you, I surrender all give my life to u.... he did sing that. I am so amazed!!

9 Lies Men Tell Themselves About Women

So you’re wondering … what does a woman know about what guys think? I just so happen to have some great male perspective for this article, namely from my insightful husband, Steve. But also, I used to be the woman in some of these points, so I also know how women play on men’s weaknesses.

Christian men and women in the dating world are met with so much wrong thinking in their relationships. It’s my hope to help you identify certain destructive lies in your thinking before it is too late.

LIE #1: She’s flirting with me because she thinks I’m great.Truth: While it seems innocent and fun, flirting is not a behavior that women who are trying to attract the right kind of man indulge in. Most women who flirt are looking for attention, not just from one certain great guy, but from any who will give them the attention they crave. Why? Likely she either has a poor self-image and she’s searching for ego strokes, or she is desperately looking for approval that she didn’t receive from her father. The trouble is, flirtatious women often have a hard time leaving that trait behind when they get married, and they inappropriately (and dangerously) continue to search for the approval of men long after “I do.” Also, women who need this type of attention can tend to be high maintenance in relationships, always craving more attention.

LIE #2: She doesn’t realize what her revealing clothes are doing to me.Truth: More likely than not, when she bought those clothes she was thinking about how you (and every other man) would drop his jaw when she walked by. While many women don’t realize the extent of men’s visual stimulation (since it’s quite different than women), most know exactly what they are doing to you. It’s called putting you under a spell to get what they want from you. Proverbs calls this a “seductress” with clear warning: “a seductress is a narrow well. She also lies in wait as for a victim, and increases the unfaithful among men.” Proverbs 23:27-28

LIE #3: Her lack of faith won’t pull me down.Truth: Solomon, the wisest man and king who ever lived, fell for this lie. Believing he was smarter than God gave him credit for, he stubbornly ignored God’s warning not to marry the pagan women of other nations because they would turn his heart after their false gods. Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened—and it cost him greatly. In the end, he walked away from his faith. So if the wisest man who ever lived, the one who had been visited by God himself on two different occasions and who even built God’s temple, wasn’t strong enough to stay devoted to God while going after unbelieving women, how could you be any different?

LIE #4: She’s clingy, but I like to be needed. She’ll settle down once we’re married.Truth: According to studies, men thrive on being needed, but this can backfire because many women out there are desperate to get married for the wrong reasons. A woman with “emotional gaps” will put expectations on you that you’ll never live up to, no matter how much time, love, or words of encouragement you give her, because she has mistaken you as the answer to her longings. After the wedding, you’ll disappoint her because you can’t do or be enough, and she may turn to other things for comfort—food, other men, alcohol, or shopping, to name a few. Depending on you occasionally for emotional support, or to help with certain things (like changing her oil or mowing her lawn) are great, but when it comes to emotional neediness, it’s a red flag and it’s not going to get better until she gets help.

LIE #5: If she knew who I really am, she wouldn’t want me.Truth: This fear motivates men to tell women what they want to hear instead of being open and honest about who they really are. When this happens, the relationship is built on a lie, increasing the chance of relationship failure later on. It also increases a man’s anxiety over exposure and rejection, creating a cycle of deceit. The woman you’re dating deserves to know exactly who you are and what kind of person she’s agreeing to love. It’s not fair to give her false hope. As an example, going to church with her before you are married or pretending to be a spiritual leader, with no intention of continuing later, is not an honest representation of yourself. If she is a good match for you and she’s operating under grace, she’ll love and accept you, warts and all.

LIE #6: She wouldn’t just date me for financial reasons.Truth: Think again. A woman’s greatest need is for security, according to studies. That doesn’t mean that all women are gold diggers, but you have to search out motives. There’s many a financially distraught woman thinking that getting married to someone financially stable will solve all of her problems, whether or not the man is right for her. Watch for a few factors. Does she manage her own money well? Is she stable financially on her own? Does she display expensive tastes out of her budget? Does she focus on her lack of finances or on your comfortable lifestyle? If you are concerned, be sure to approach this matter privately with a qualified pre-marriage counselor (her pastor?) for some objective help in discerning her motives. This may sound harsh, but you don’t want to risk marrying a woman who only loves your money.

LIE #7: When I marry her, my lust problem will be solved.Truth: This is a frequent misconception for men who are waiting to have sex until marriage. They think, “When I’m able to have sex with my wife, I won’t be tempted by pornography or dwell on lustful thoughts anymore because I’ll have an outlet for my sexual energy.” I think honest men will tell you that marriage did not solve their lust problem. In some cases, it aggravated it. This is due primarily to the fact that lust isn’t a sex problem. It’s a heart problem. And just like a fire, when you begin to feed it, it gets hotter and hungrier, not satisfied. When a man gets married, he may be even more focused on sex and can still feed his lustful thoughts with images and fantasies. The only answer is to starve the fire of lust to make it eventually die down. Flee, as the Bible says, from sexual temptation.
Many men also go into marriage expecting their wife to be a sex goddess—ready for a romp 24/7. Relationship problems, low sex-drive, busy schedules, interruptions from kids, and physical problems can all contribute to marital sex not being as plentiful as you hoped.

LIE #8: She nags, but what woman doesn’t.Truth: Frequent nagging is a control problem. If you want to be mothered for the rest of your life, then go ahead and accept the challenge. If not, either make sure she deals with her control problem before marriage, or move on until you meet up with a more relaxed woman who doesn’t need to micro-manage your life.

LIE #9: Her past is her past—I don’t need to know.Truth: Wrong! Her past becomes your past. You need to dig during the dating relationship to see if there are any big issues lurking in the deep waters beneath the surface. What was her relationship like with her dad? Has she ever been sexually molested or abused? How have men treated her in past relationships? How has she treated men in the past? All of this you need to know now, or you could be shocked and deeply affected later when huge roadblocks and past skeletons emerge in her sexual or emotional intimacy.

To be continued....

Grace and Peace 8:15 PM

Friday, June 27, 2008?
After hearing KL talk about the so call sexual ladder, I felt it was a good try in bring out the value we Christian should have in term of BGR. Although not everything he said I fully agree but still some of it serve my conviction. Hai now after the talk is even harder to get a GF in church. Gonna go outside and find le :(
Anyway, I have been reading a lot on BGR articles also and I will post in the next few days what I have read. I promise you it will be very interesting....

8 Characteristics of Mr. or Ms. Right

Do you ever wonder if the person you’re dating is God’s best choice of a mate for you but the answer isn’t clear?
Determining the person God wants you to spend the rest of your life with is a critical decision, one that requires putting put aside personal agendas and desires, in order to consider the most important thing: What is God trying to tell me about this relationship?

Below are some characteristics that I believe are consistent with the kind of person God would provide for you to spend your life with, assuming you are His best for someone else. It works both ways. God will not give you His best if you are not already His best for someone else. So make sure to measure yourself against these criteria as well.

Ask: Does this person seek out God willingly and eagerly on his or her own? When it comes to growing spiritually, does he/she read the Bible, pray, and go to church even without me? Does this person have a passion for God?
Remember: God’s best will have a growing relationship with Him that is genuine, fresh, and intimate in a way that is noticeably working out in their life consistently. In short, he/she won’t be able to leave God alone with or without you.

Ask: Does this person pray regularly? Does he/she easily pray with me or in front of others? Does he/she talk about personal prayer concerns and answered prayers?
Remember: A marriage without prayer is like a light bulb with no electricity. God’s best will be someone who is conversing with Him on a regular basis to obtain direction in life, intimacy with God, and to invest in the lives of others.

Ask: Is this person determined to wait until marriage to have sex? Do his/her actions match his/her words when he/she tells me he/she wants to be pure and honor God before marriage? Does this person work hard to avoid a physical relationship, avoiding the limits and demonstrating a commitment to honoring my purity above his/her own selfish interests?
Remember: I believe a great ‘barometer’ of a person’s walk with God is whether he/she tries to entice you into sexual sin or not. If he/she truly loves God and wants to be obediently set apart for Him, there won’t be any excuses, playing with fire, or compromises. This person will honor God above his/her own selfish desires, and because of that he/she will honor and love you enough to protect your body until marriage as well.

Ask: Does this person ask for help? Does he/she admit when he/she is wrong and say “I’m sorry”? Does he/she seek out godly counsel? Does he/she respect God-given authority in his/her life? Is he/she repentant and obedient in matters with God? Remember: If a guy/gal is teachable with you and others, he/she will likely be teachable with God. There is no greater security in marriage (especially for women in the matter of submitting to their husbands) than trusting a mate who is teachable before God and seeking His will above his/her own. A man or woman who is living to please God is someone you can trust with important decisions. Also, someone who willingly gives permission to others to speak truth into his/her life is a very wise and teachable person

Ask: Does this person tell you the truth even when it’s hard? Does he/she communicate openly about his/her feelings, struggles, past, and failures? Does this person take responsibility for his/her actions (own up) when he/she does something wrong or hurtful? Does he/she ever twist the truth or minimize to get out of trouble or make himself/herself look better?
Remember: Counting on your partner’s word in marriage is vital. In a dating relationship, there should be all the signs of honesty and openness. The person you are dating should be willing to open up and talk about the hard areas of his/her life, he/she shouldn’t try to hide or twist truth, and he/she should take responsibility when he/she does something wrong. He/she shouldn’t even be afraid to admit when he/she messes up.

Ask: Does this person place his/her hopes, expectations, and emotional needs primarily in God? During difficult times does he/she try to fill up holes with the emotional support of other people (especially me)? Does he/she seem generally at peace or does he/she struggle with restlessness, addictions, or bad habits (alcohol, food issues or eating disorders, porn, drugs including prescriptions, over-spending, T.V., computer, sports, etc.)? Remember: The person you marry cannot depend on you to make them happy, or to be there for them all the time. Watch what he/she does with pain or boredom. Does he/she avoid it, stuff it, or deal with it? Is he/she afraid to be quiet and still? You should be able to see him/her go to God with his/her emotional needs and hurts. Placing too much hope in each other or turning to anything but God with pain and boredom will eventually doom a marriage because only God can fill those “black holes.” Only God can give true comfort, hope, and security.

Ask: Is this person stubbornly pursuing his/her plans and goals, or does he/she frequently offer up his/her life to God and His plans?
Remember: If the person you marry is living for himself or herself, you are not going to have the marriage God intended for you. Someone who is surrendered to God will open up doors for a great marriage adventure in God’s plan!

Ask: Does this person forgive and get over things easily? Does he/she treat people kindly who have hurt him/her in the past? Is there any area of bitterness or unforgiveness from his/her past that he/she has not dealt with that is frequently coming to the surface?
Remember: A person who can’t forgive likely hasn’t connected with God’s forgiveness toward him/her. This person will bring bitterness into your marriage which will affect you, too. People who are forgiving recognize that God is ultimately in control, which frees them up to let go of offenses and be at peace. This will work in your favor when you have marital conflict!

If, after reading over this list, you find that these traits are lacking in your own life, I encourage you to begin seeking to build these into your life. Getting into the Word and prayer daily, reading Christian help books, getting counseling if necessary, joining a Christian support group, and finding someone to encourage you or hold you accountable are all ways to get started on the path to change.

To be continue....

Grace and Peace 11:36 PM

Wednesday, June 25, 2008?
The fact on "prosperity" gospel!!On 18 September 2006 edition of Time magazine publish an article titled "Does God want you to be rich"

I read not this article but a comment by someone else on the Internet and I am very puzzled by the comment based on this article. This guy, I name John la, he was not in favour of the term "Prosperity" gospel and I know he is not from a Charismatic evangelical church. John begin to share the following thing....


- Positive confession/new thoughts

- Originated in 20th century America

- Never taught in Christendom before

- Has always been about money

Definition of "Prosperity"a. Completeness (in number) b. safety, soundness (in body) c. Welfare, health, prosperity d. peace, quiet, tranquility contentment e. peace, friendship (of human relationship, with god in covenant relationship)

So he claim that the word "prosperity" in the Bible is never to be meant wealth in riches. He was stating that he got his source from a bible study tools.

Translated words

KJV version (236)

Peace - 135 times, Prosperity - 4 times, Health - 3 times

"It doesn't bring God glory to be non-prosperous" - John said that people like us charismatic always quote this phrase.

- Where is that in the Scripture
- What about those in Hebrew 11 who had "shalom" in spite of their poverty, hunger and persecution

His conclusion...

- Jesus WAS NOT reach

- Sowing/reaping is for eternal life, not money

- Teaching don't work

- Purpose of tithe fulfilled in Christ (WTF!!!)

It was so funny lor. I think he is either gullible or naive. Haha how can he distort the truth? Haha anyway I am not going to make any comments on his posting. I just want to share about there will be such people around the world who don't believe God will bless them in riches.

Discliamer: The article above is a information for causal reading and does NOT reflect on any view of the writer.

Grace and Peace 9:47 PM

You know something? I hate to chat with Yi Jun de. Because when I chat on phone is over 2hr + of conversation de... LOL But it was a good chat la. We chat everything under heaven from our life to Church to other people life.... haha. Thursday is my last 2 paper. 11am and 430pm. Dun noe who so stupid go put 2 paper in 1 day.

Hai... this few days I been thinking of many things again. I conclude that life is nv fair at all. I felt that I am letting myself down all this while. I don't blame people or situation for the things I gone through. I only blame myself.. I let myself down too many time le. The more I want to do well the more I will screw it up. I guess this is life ba. Do you know now my mind contain?

Nothing at all. Is blank.

Grace and Peace 12:54 AM

Sunday, June 22, 2008?
Day 21 - The final day

Finale of the study of The End time events

Time passes by so fast. In a short while, 21 days had pass. It will be also in a short while time Jesus is coming back. I have been sharing so much about the end time for the pass 21 days. It might not cover all the details or else nobody will want to read cuz is too long so i tried my best to present to my mass audience in a very simple way. I pray with all my heart all of you will benefit from my sharing but most importantly is to rise your awareness that Jesus is indeed coming back and is time for all of us to get serious. Today is the last time I will share about end time well.. for now... hope you will catch the spirit behind my message.

The day of the Lord! It is a day which Jesus is going to return the 2nd time. In that day, there will be a world wide great blackout. The non christian will run for their life during that day. Both the resurrection and rapture will take place.

The above is Mount Olives. Mount of Olives is on the east of Jerusalem. Jesus’ feet are going to land on the Mount of Olives. The Mount of Olives is Jesus’ favorite place in the gospel. The Garden of Gethsemane is at the foot of Mount of Olives. Mount of Olives has the best view, where you can see the first and second temple. When Jesus comes back, He will land on that mountain. Remember this, how he went up is how He goes down.

The above is golden gate. Or Beautiful gate (Acts 3).
The Golden Gate was sealed by the Turks hundreds of years ago because of Jewish tradition that the Messiah would return through this gate of the Old City after coming from the east over the Mount of Olives. Under Muslim control, the Temple Mount just over the wall, is guarded very closely even today. Jesus will entered into Jerusalem through this gate from Mount Olives.

There is so much I could say. But some of the message is very to hard to sent across through blog. But I believe I tried my best. The below timeline is a collection compile by myself and you will not find it anywhere. It maybe not be fully complete but I believe all the important events are all there.

1st Seal - Deception

2nd Seal - Wars

3rd Seal - Famine

4th Seal - Earthquake

5th Seal - Great Tribulation (1260 days)
- The Christian will run and hide

- Rebuilding of the final temple complete

- 2 witness coming to the world scenes (Elijah and John)

- Russia and other countries invade Israel

- The 2 witness is killed by the antichrist
6th Seal - The Great Blackout
- The day of the Lord (Jesus returns)

- Resurrection of the dead in christ

- Rapture of the Christian and Jews
7th Seal - The wrath of God
- The 7 trumpets of judgment upon the non Christian

- Judgment seat of Christ (For Christian) 45 days of event

- The Millennial reign of Christ (1000 years) A time of peace

- Satan will be release for a short period of time to deceive the world again

- Resurrection of the dead (Non Christian)

- The great while throne judgment (Non Christian)

- New Heaven and New Earth

Jesus will rules and reign forever and ever through eternity! All around the world, people reject Jesus, don't believe in Jesus. They say show me Jesus and I will believe. They laugh, mock and make fun of us believing in Jesus but in the day of the Lord, the Son of God will come with great power and glory. During that time, there is no turning back. Either you are against or with God. During that day those people who say show me Jesus and I will believe, will beg for mercy and forgiveness but that is all too late. We may not know the exact time Jesus will return but we live our life as if He is coming back tomorrow. Friends to leave you here for the final time addressing this issue, Seek Him while He can be found don't wait until He is no where to be found and then you start to regret.

Grace and Peace 1:24 AM

Ming Feng and me. Haa... today I had the privilege to sit into his new car. Is rather cool lor haha. Ming feng is my new found brother. Together with girlfriend Joycelyn, both of them help me through my tough time in life. So I really thank God for such people that will stand by me.
Is the combined pictures. Can you see me?...

Anyway the service today is good. Pst Kong talk about Andrew being a good example of a servanthood. Pastor mention about a point that really hit me so hard into my heart. I felt I was totally awoke in my Spirit.... Many of time I sacrifice for the past 3 years in ministry and no 1 see it. I am being hurt by leader of accusing me of not doing anything etc... but in actual fact I am serving the church faithfully every Sunday and even sometime behind the scenes for the CG. Hai... God sees everything but leader don't. So y can't the leader sees everything before they jump into conclusion?

What can I say and do? I am just a ordinary member serving faithfully in church every Sunday morning and doing my best to be a child of God

Grace and Peace 1:07 AM

Wednesday, June 18, 2008?
Day 18
The 2 witnesses during the End Time
Did anyone of you ever think of seeing any 1 of the people in the Bible in your lifetime beside Jesus? Imagine you could see Moses or Paul or Abraham. You may see Paul going to Disneyland. Moses climbing the Great Wall of China. Abraham coming to Singapore for the Great Singapore sales to get some clothes for Sarah or even maybe for Hagar and Ishmael. Haha....
In the book of Zechariah, The bible say that Zechariah saw 2 trees. trees in the bible are always symbolic of men. See Zec 4:11-14. During the tribulation, God is going to rise up 2 men that will speak up against the darkness in the land. The 2 witnesses will prophesy against the kingdom of darkness in the end times for 3 n a 1/2 years. How would the 2 men fight the onslaught of the enemy?
1. Power to call fire down from heaven
2. Power to withhold rain
3. Power to turn water into blood
4. Power to send plagues
So who will be these 2 witnesses???
Based on the above 4 points, Elijah is the better candidate. Read the book of Kings. In Mal 4:5, the bible gives a better picture... Therefore 1 of the 2 witnesses must be Elijah. So who is the 2nd witness? Many of the theologian think it is either Moses, Enoch or John the Apostle.
Elijah - Had the abilities based on the 4 points and Mal 4:5
Moses - Had the abilities based on the 4 points
Enoch - Did not die (Gen 5:24)
John - 7 compelling reasons
As we know Elijah did not die at all because he was taken up in a whirlwind therefore we can say he must be 1 of the witness. Moses died at Mount Pisgah and human can only die once. Yes, Enoch did not die (Gen 5:24) but the bible never mention that he will come back in the end time at all some more he did not have the abilities based on the 4 points.
Some think it is John the Apostle and is very likely is him
1. The obvious hint from God's word (Jn 21:24-25, V15-19)
2. The message of the 7 thunders (Rev 10:1-4, Is 55:10-11)
3. The message of the little book (Rev 10:8-10, Ezk 2:9-3:1)
4. The Spirit of Elijah in John (Lk 9:51-56)
5. The prophecy of Jesus (Mk 10:35-40, Lk 13:33-35)
6. The New Testament witness
7. The name of John
So I can conclude that Elijah and John will come from heaven to earth to fight with the Antichrist. Eventually they will be killed by them and 3 n a 1/2 days later, the Rapture will take place. It is hard to understand by reading it so if you guys got any question feel free to ask me yeah?? I never dream of seeing the people from bible live in my life time. God is amazing. SO AMAZING!! I can say that 9 out of 10 people will not know this event. Is going to be very interesting as we move towards the end of time.
Last night I had a wonderful time in the presence of God. I pray for 1 hr++. I thought I only pray for 20mins or so. It is so true lor that when bad things happen in your life or you feel "emo" it is God drawing us to seek His face once again. Remember this : When you pray, you open the door for God to work in your life!! God have been burning this into my heart which was to prepare an offering message. I have 2 offering message now and is rather easy to prepare compare to my 1 sermon which i took about a month. Friday... beside going for PM, I will go for another shopping. Mostly likely will be alone ba... hai...

Grace and Peace 1:12 AM

Sunday, June 15, 2008?
Day 15

Hai.. I got plenty of thoughts to share de and many things to mention. But I don't feel to say anything la. I recently read a lot of articles on the topic of courtship. Maybe after the end time series I will share more. Going to the final week of prayer and I decide to go for the Overnight prayer meeting. To end of the prayer month, I will be doing my last book of end time series - The book of Zechariah. It is God's end time book of the old testament, a prophetic counterpart of Revelation. It reveals a beautiful analogy of a believer's relationship with God and how we can trust Him completely in the midst of trails and tribulation. This book is absolutely vital in our understanding of God's divine timetable a we live in this momentous hour of human history. So be prepare as I will update my blog as the weeks goes....

I'll be changing my blog skin soon... so stay tune.

Grace and Peace 11:53 PM

Friday, June 13, 2008?
I really did not know shopping can be so tired. LOL. I was so tired as I do my Great Singapore Sales shopping alone from Orchard to Suntec. Thanks to my mum who lend me her Robinson credit card so I make full use of it to buy 3 boxers hehe "CK" brand and some ankle socks. Not forgetting an UK brand Tee shirt. Before I do my crazy shopping, I went to Ed Hardy and SKIN to look for some tee shirt within my budget as I have a Voucher yet to use. But all the tee shirt is way off my budget. So like what the pretty salesgirl said, those plain Ed Hardy will come in about 1 mth time which is more cheaper compare to those that have beads .

After Orchard, I fly to the floating platform to collect my NDP tickets!! The feeling was so good lor. I walk into the room, the usher ask me whether I am here to collect preview or actual.. then I say actual day so they direct me to a Q that is for actual day tickets collection. While I walk towards a line of people who was waiting to serve me apparently only me alone was there ahah I felt so excited and happy. The feeling was good... trust me. I waited for 11 years since I last attend NDP and 5 years since the E-ballot system was implemented. After collecting, curiosity hit me so I went to the site where NDP 2008 is being held and as well as F1 racing. Below are pictures of the NDP tickets and the floating platform as well as part of the track for F1 racing.

I went to Marina square after that and the weather was killing me. Is so hot and I sweat as if it was raining. Went inside the mall and I felt so relief. Then I saw Jerrick. Haha he just finish his work. To his surprise, he saw me carry shopping bags, so he ask me am I shopping alone. I reply Yes lor and he was surprise to see a guy will go shopping alone. I told him I no girlfriend mah so got to get simple things like boxers myself haha. Frankly speaking, shopping alone is so sian.... hai... Lastly I went to PC show at Suntec to look for Andy as well as to get some information on a few gadget I might be buying. It was a tiring day but I guess a fruitful 1 ba. BTW I like the song "A moment like this" yesterday the sister sing during the youth camp was awesome. I want to learn how to sing le. :x

Grace and Peace 10:13 PM

Day 13

Today is Friday the 13. Sound nothing to you?? Is a very unlucky day if you do believe in such thing... well that don't dwell in that

Just came back from the youth camp last night. I did enjoy myself and had a great time of laughter and activities. The video of "How great God is" really blew my mind away.... is just so amazing and crazy. Is nothing new to me but is the way Louie giglio presented the Laminin that really matter. It is just crazy lol. To me I feel is big bang. But was God's big bang creation that spread all the stars around the galaxy. Back to Adeline and Joycelyn. U 2 ar.... !! Pls have mercy on me la. Haha.. wa lau u 2 team up I sure lose de mah. Give me some face can? But give me advice better la.. haha :p

I studied the book of Daniel for this week. I got 2 more chapter to go before this Sunday I study the book of Zechariah. When I look at Daniel, we have no reason not to on fire for God and passionate of the things of God because Daniel at the age of 81, he still having the vision God had given to him to prophecies to nations. But he starts young at a age of 16. It is important to train and equip while we are young. Revelation is based upon relationship. The degree we open to God is the degree He draw near to us. Unless we relate to God, He will not reveal the secret of God to us. There is no short cut to relate to Jesus. So Daniel is a great example to us. When you study the book of Daniel, not only will you know about the end time events whom God reveal to Daniel but also life principals to live our life in trusting God. I learn a very important thing...

Sometime God will put you in a difficult situation is because He wants you to cry before Him, to seek His face. So we need to be like Daniel to come before God to seek His face. When you are stark in a situation, don't first come with complain but with prayer and thanksgiving

Grace and Peace 11:53 AM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008?
Day 10

I went to JB today for a holiday (1 day). I went with Andy, Denise and Bernard. Below are some of my random photos of the place that we went for our lunch and dinner. It was quite fun ba... hhaa. I will be doing my devotion on the book of Daniel till sunday after completing my studies on the book of Revelation. So stay tune for more studies.

Grace and Peace 12:51 AM

Sunday, June 8, 2008?
Day 8

Hi, is me again sharing with you about my children haha. Before I talk about the end time as usual for the remain 13 days let me share with you my thoughts for my ministry today. Today I am so proud of Regan. Leroy his oldest brother, used to be with him in the Playgrp class every week until recently month he was being promoted to the older class. So Regan have to be alone some more their maid went back le. For the pass few weeks, Regan has been crying non stop and his mum need to be in the class with him. But today, Regan greeted me and I was so happy because he reorganise me. Haha not all kids will greet me without I being the first to greet them. Regan today was all alone in the class. He play with friends and do art today. Attend Bible story and worship all by himself for the very first time! Really inside of me was filled with joy I am really so proud of him. Almost all the kids in Playgrp are their first class of their life as some of them have not attend pre school yet. So I am honor to be their first teacher in their life and play a part in their growing and learning. It really give me the satisfaction. Not only I serve the kids and their parents but to God.

Look at Ethan... haha. Is my boy again! hehe... He went to a fish farm for excursion together with the rest of his friend (Video announcement got mention b4 if you guys still remember during service) This is the first time I saw him wearing so casual without all the Ed Hardy shirt haha. He was so funny with the cap and the net on his hand. He told me he catch 2 fishes and the rest is free from the uncle haha.... Look at his eyes and expression. When I took this picture, he is looking for baby fish.. LOL

The Mark of the beast(Events before the blackout)
Mt 24:15-20
15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. 18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. 19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.

"abomination of desolation" mean an idol the anti Christ will put up for Christian to bow.

The verses is basically saying that during the time of tribulation, we Christian got to run and hide from the anti christian. The verse continue to say that if we are working let us not go back home and get our valuable nor our clothing. We got to run! It also said that woe to those who are pregnant and have children. It is because it is very difficult for them to run with a baby in them. The bible ask us to pray that the day will not be during winter and sabbath. It is too heavy for a person to run during winter because of the heavy winter clothing and if you are a Jew, during the sabbath you cannot run. The Bible is so true. So I want to be fit and strong during that day to run and hide. Maybe you will say I will face 1 on 1 with them and fight with them. But Jesus commanded us not to fight with them but to run and hide. It is not a time to be courageous but a time to be smart. Remember that vengeance always belong to the Lord!

Now, What if we get caught by them?? Here is my main message for today. Many people even in my CG, want to backslide and are "emo" not doing well in their spiritual life. Their life now are a bless life I can tell you. Their tribulation and distress are nothing lor. There are grace and forgiveness in Jesus for now. The anti Christian people will instruct us to bow to an idol and worship it. We will then receive the "mark of the beast" and if we don't bow, they will kill us. Those lukewarm christian like what I mention above, will sure fell into the tribulation. I can guarantee you. They can't pass that test. Right now if they cannot pass a little bit of trail and say want to backslide, then during that moment of distress, what make them so sure they will still be loyal to God? I don't know how will I react when I get caught by them, but the only thing I know is I will never denied Christ. I always pray to God my love for Him will never ceased.

Rev 13:15-18
15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Some how some way, the idol can talk. It will be a supernatural power given by satan for that image to speak to deceive many people. (maybe is a robot or computer screen, remember the book of revelation was written 2000 years ago) The mark, we will be force to receive in either our right hand or forehead and will be the number 666. It stand for satan. It is call the mark of the beast. Once we denied Christ, we will then receive the mark and the anti christian people will not kill us. You may ask how they insert into our body? It might be something like a chalk or like the one for clubbing use. I don't know. Pastor Kong mention before that the technology has been available. Last year I did a project on RFID technology. Maybe you can search for yourself what is that. To summaries that up, all our Ez-link card, cash card and credit card, all have the RFID chips in it. Human implant of such chip has been using in Spain already.

Some Christians, believe that RFID tagging could represent the mark of the beast, which Revelation 13:16-17 says will be placed by the Antichrist in the right hands or foreheads of humans and necessary for commerce.
Friends I tell you heaven and earth will pass away, BUT God's word will never pass away, HE is always faithful.

Grace and Peace 7:15 PM

Friday, June 6, 2008?
Day 6

UN summit struggles to agree food crisis plan - 5/6/2008 news
ROME (AFP) - - World leaders struggled Thursday to agree an action plan to tackle the global food crisis, after three days of wrangling that has exposed strains over how to prevent hunger and poverty.In a draft summit declaration obtained by AFP, they vowed to use "all means" to help victims of soaring prices, which have stretched family budgets in rich countries and sparked famine and food riots in others.The wrangling over diplomatic language came after UN officials announced almost three billion dollars (two billion euros) of new aid to help ease the food crisis.
Those new pledges were welcomed, but UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned that up to 20 billion dollars a year would be needed. "We simply cannot afford to fail," he told the summit hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Food prices have doubled in three years, according to the World Bank, sparking riots in Egypt and Haiti and in many African nations. Brazil, Vietnam, India and Egypt have all imposed food export restrictions.

The recent headline news
- M'sia to raise petrol prices by 40% from Thursday
- Oil prices rebound to near S$168 a barrel
- Big energy consumers to gather in Japan as oil prices soar
- Stocks, oil slide as Asia hikes fuel costs
- Rising inflation expectations a concern: US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke
  • We are paying more and more for food items
  • Food cost is going up
  • Famine is rising and cause poverty
  • Shortage of food and aid are sent to poor country
  • Things are going more expensive because of the inflation
  • Oil prices increase that causes everything to increase tremendously.
Revelation 6:5-6 (New King James Version)
5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius,* and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”

*This was approximately one day’s wage for a worker.

This is talking about the 3rd seal leading to the 2nd coming of Jesus. I think I don't need to say much. You guys should be able to understand. Remember borrow time!

Haha put those stuff aside. Let talk about the lighter side. Few weeks ago I E-ballot the NDP tickets. Guess what, this morning they called me and congrats me of being ballot 4 actual day tickets!! Haha I waited for 4 years le! Lalalala.... Who want to go? LOL... :p

Grace and Peace 12:33 AM

Thursday, June 5, 2008?
Day 5

I been listening to this hymn by Hillsong. "Nothing but the blood of Jesus" Nothing but the blood of Jesus. How true is that. Without the blood of Jesus to redeem us, we are still in bondage. Today is Day 5 of my prayer. Today I continue to study the end time. Jesus by right should have been back by now but the bible say there were 2 times the time stop. That mean the earth stop rotating. So we are living on borrow time. Once we know we are living on borrow time, we will be more serious with our life. I mean if you want to backslide then do it NOW because you are living on borrow time. If you want to sin and disobey God then do it NOW because you are living on borrow time. If you want to serve God and on fire for God then do it NOW because we are living on borrow time. I believe is the blood of Jesus and His grace that enable us to live on borrow time. How many of our parents are not save or how many of our beloved friends? How many of our dreams have not been fulfill? We can still have the time to fulfill because of borrow time. Those who don't believe in Jesus, I also don't know what to say. I really don't know how to help you because I am living on borrow time. In soccer is "time added on" Not much time left!

Israel is now 60 years after independence in 1948. Let say a generation is an average life spent for a person. 70-80 years will be the average. As I have mention b4 we are living in the final generation of human mankind. Once Israel gain independence it will be the start of a final generation. Israel born in 1948 if we add 70 and 80 to that, it will be 2018 - 2028. Now is 2008. See for yourself, how close is that! If you want to leave God leave now or if you want to follow Jesus follow now because we are living on borrow time!

I manage to have a chat with her. To me is a heart felt open chat ba. Rather than playing those "small action" games I decided to ask her something that I want to know. I got the answer I want perhaps is not a fairy tale result. Like I say, I am living on borrow time. I have so many decision and plan for my future to decide on and I don't know how is it going to be. I am envy at 1 of my ex CG member. She is working now in a bank near my house after she graduated from SP this year and her BF is going NS now. So I was telling her, after her BF ORD then he work for a few more years, they can get married already. She replied me "Ya lor" We started in church about the same period of time and to be honest, I am happy for them ba. If according to what she told me just now, I will be 25 years old! Maybe to Wei Chen is ok but to me is not. I don't want to be an old father. Perhaps at the end of the day, the bottom line is, she is too young now and not compatible to me.

Grace and Peace 1:40 AM

Wednesday, June 4, 2008?
Day 4

Last night I watch the Channel 8 7pm show. The office that Felicia Chin work in the show, look so familiar. Then I saw "City Harvest Church Corporate office" on the lift. Haha then I say no wonder so familiar. My dad then said "Church also want earn money." I was like ..... hmm..... haha no comments. It was not the 1st time Mediacorp uses our church office. I mean of course la, Church office so grand and lavish. Haha.

Is day 4. I am doing not so good actually. My sister having holiday so seldom sleep so early. Poor me I got to wait for her to sleep then I can pray. Usually it will be 2am before I can pray. By then my eyes close half le. Anyway I felt the Lord lead me to have a Vege fast every Monday. He must have a reason so I just obey lor. I told my mum she also say good. My devotion study is getting better. I study about the blackout now during the 2nd coming.

Holiday is next 2 weeks or I should say study weeks. Feeling so sian. I wanted to go Bintan resort for a retreat but is too last min to book hotel. So settle at JB for a 1 day retreat ba. Anyone want to go just let me know. Is just so sian... so sian... I need a compass badly

Grace and Peace 10:23 AM

Sunday, June 1, 2008?

I am flowing with the Church vision of a 21 Day of prayer and will be Praying and Fasting through out the 3 weeks. So I am doing a simple journal everyday in my blog. To flow with the 21 days of prayer, I have decided to study the book of Revelation & Matthew, the book of Daniel and the book of Zechariah during my devotion time leading to my 1 hour of prayer each day. Yes!... It is the study of end time. I feel I should make full use of this opportunity to seek the Lord again during this period of time which is closer to the 2nd coming of Christ. There is so many things I have no idea on for my life, my future. I really don't know what to do. I pray with all my heart, after this 21 days, solution will come into my heart.

How many of you CHC members, can agree with me that Pastor Tan's preaching is getting better and better? I felt so enjoyable in listening to him preach. Pastor Tan's message set us to think and act upon it. His sermon, "Built to Last" will be 1 of the classic sermon ever preach in City Harvest Church. Pastor today intro "Laminin" to us. So what is Laminin?

Every living creature has laminin inside of them...the purpose of laminin is that it basically keeps our bodies from falling apart. It holds us together as one united whole. It is 1 of the 16,000 proteins in a human body. It is a cell adhesion molecule vital to make sure overall body structures hold together. The picture of Laminin.... and the Cross

Is that purely coincident, luck or issit the creation of a supernatural God? It look like the Cross which represent Jesus sacrifice His blood for us.The cross is EVERYWHERE...it casts a shadow over the entire universe...constantly reminding us of what Jesus did for the world. The whole entire universal is hold by sacrifice! You can do a research on Laminin and know its purpose and function then you compare with the verses I about to share from the Bible. Then you will know God is the SOURCE of all things

Colossians 1:15-20

15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. 18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, 20 and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

The following video is a short teaching clip by this guy Louie Giglio. Just remember friends, Jesus don't expect much from you, He just want you to love Him and follow Him.

Grace and Peace 8:15 PM