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Thursday, November 6, 2008?
1 chro 22:19 19 Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the LORD.”
Seeking God and building His house go hand in hand. God seekers build the House of God. David and Moses were both serious seekers of God. Both built tabernacle for God to have a “place” to dwell amongst us on Earth. Whether it’s building the people into being the House of God themselves, or erecting buildings that are to be a place for God and His people, it is those who seek the Lord who bring this about. The primary reason David was exhorting the people to build the house for God was to provide a place for the ark, which essentially was the presence of God; and when housed properly, treated with reverence, praise and worship, the Shekinah of Moses’ time would descend When we have set our heart and soul to seek after him, He will dwell in us. So when we have the Arise & Build, is not just building but is building life. Why? Life will change when God's house is being build. More work will done and souls will be save when we have a bigger facilities.
I went to La Defense in Paris. The structure and buildings was so fascinating that millions of visitor visit that place. IF we can have a building in the marketplace in Singapore just like the La Defense, can you imagine how much impact can we make to the world and to help Singapore to be in the world map for the glory of God?
Can you imagine CHC is a tourist attraction in Singapore. Where every weekend thousands of people come for our service and to have a church building tour just like I went to stadium tour. BUT for that to happen we must do 1 thing beside having to raise the money is to seek the Lord according to 1 chro 22:19.
Morning prayer
Ps 27:8 8 When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”
There will be times when we feel the pull of God on our heart to step aside and seek Him. We need to have a regular life of prayer whether we feel like praying or not; and there will be times of extended prayer, or special prayer that the Spirit calls us to. Our flesh never enjoys obeying God, but if we will overcome our flesh and do that thing it so resists – “Seeking God when He calls” – then we will discover the awesome purpose He has in store for us. - As a church as well as indivitual Let’s seek the Lord not for what He can do for us, but for Him Himself. God is enough. If we have nothing else in the world, Jesus is more than enough. Out of Him spring element of the greatest life.
So in this season of arise & build, we ought to seek the Lord more. Morning prayer come just at a right time the right season. I am in France but I still flow with the vision of the church by praying and fasting. When I watch the service, my Spirit man was being activated and I feel like praying strong and worship. But I can't do that here. So guys in Singapore, do what you can freely do in Singapore and let really bring down the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven!
Fight the good fight of faith, lets finish the race and lets Arise & Build
Grace and Peace 8:36 PM
1 chro 22:19 19 Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the LORD.”
Seeking God and building His house go hand in hand. God seekers build the House of God. David and Moses were both serious seekers of God. Both built tabernacle for God to have a “place” to dwell amongst us on Earth. Whether it’s building the people into being the House of God themselves, or erecting buildings that are to be a place for God and His people, it is those who seek the Lord who bring this about. The primary reason David was exhorting the people to build the house for God was to provide a place for the ark, which essentially was the presence of God; and when housed properly, treated with reverence, praise and worship, the Shekinah of Moses’ time would descend When we have set our heart and soul to seek after him, He will dwell in us. So when we have the Arise & Build, is not just building but is building life. Why? Life will change when God's house is being build. More work will done and souls will be save when we have a bigger facilities.
I went to La Defense in Paris. The structure and buildings was so fascinating that millions of visitor visit that place. IF we can have a building in the marketplace in Singapore just like the La Defense, can you imagine how much impact can we make to the world and to help Singapore to be in the world map for the glory of God?
Can you imagine CHC is a tourist attraction in Singapore. Where every weekend thousands of people come for our service and to have a church building tour just like I went to stadium tour. BUT for that to happen we must do 1 thing beside having to raise the money is to seek the Lord according to 1 chro 22:19.
Morning prayer
Ps 27:8 8 When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, LORD, I will seek.”
There will be times when we feel the pull of God on our heart to step aside and seek Him. We need to have a regular life of prayer whether we feel like praying or not; and there will be times of extended prayer, or special prayer that the Spirit calls us to. Our flesh never enjoys obeying God, but if we will overcome our flesh and do that thing it so resists – “Seeking God when He calls” – then we will discover the awesome purpose He has in store for us. - As a church as well as indivitual Let’s seek the Lord not for what He can do for us, but for Him Himself. God is enough. If we have nothing else in the world, Jesus is more than enough. Out of Him spring element of the greatest life.
So in this season of arise & build, we ought to seek the Lord more. Morning prayer come just at a right time the right season. I am in France but I still flow with the vision of the church by praying and fasting. When I watch the service, my Spirit man was being activated and I feel like praying strong and worship. But I can't do that here. So guys in Singapore, do what you can freely do in Singapore and let really bring down the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven!
Fight the good fight of faith, lets finish the race and lets Arise & Build