Actually the main evidence of Jesus is God is the resurrection. If Jesus never raises from the dead, then everything is fake. The bible did clearly record the event of how Jesus was raised. There is witness during the events.
The Great Exchange on the Cross
There are eight distinct aspects to this exchange. This means there are eight different ways Jesus took the evil that was due to us, that we might receive the good that was due to Him.
1. Jesus received the punishment due to our sinful act that we might have peace, forgiveness and reconciliation
2. Jesus bore in His own body our sicknesses and pain that we might have physical healing
3. Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness that we might be made righteous with His righteousness
4. Jesus was made sick with our sickness that we might be made whole with His health
5. Jesus received the curse due to us for breaking God’s law, that we might received the blessing due to Christ’s obedience
6. Jesus was made poor with our poverty that we might be rich with His wealth
7. Jesus tasted death fully so that we might have life in all 3 phases (Spiritually, physically and eternal)
8. Jesus executed the rebellious nature of the “Old man” so that, in its place, the “new man” might now live in the believer
All the 8 exchange was made when Jesus died on the cross.
Jesus also promises about His 2nd coming. But that will be too much for most people to absorb so I will not share much because it will definitely freak you out.
In conclusion I would like to share something that is from the bottom of my heart.
- There is a God in heaven. Just 1 God. God the father (Jehovah), God the son (Jesus), God the Holy Spirit. Is not 3 gods but 1 truth God. Jesus loves us so much that he died for our sin. We lost our relationship with God when Adam sin in Eden but Jesus came to give us the greatest miracle that we will receive in our life. How to become a Christian? We just need to admit that we are a sinner and need to be repent, believe in our hearts that Jesus died to pay for our sins and he is alive today and confess Jesus as our Lord and savior. I did that 4 years ago. But my life did not change immediately. It takes a period of time to learn and change as I grow in the Lord. Just like a baby to a kid to teen to youth adult to adult. We need to be planted to a church. The Christian life is never static or boring. It is a very exciting and supernatural journey. Christianity basically is not a religion. It is a relationship to our “Daddy” God. We need to know Him more by reading the bible and pray everyday. Praying is just talking to God. There will be so many things we need to know so our life in God needs to be progressive. Friends allow be to be your friend for once if you do not have Jesus in your heart, are you willing to give Him and yourself a chance? I promise you, you will never be regretted. I pray that during this Christmas, your life will change and never be the same again.